Source code for pytopomat.irrep_caller

Interface to irrep.


import warnings
import os
from os import path
import subprocess
import re

from monty.json import MSONable
from import requires
from monty.os.path import which

import numpy as np

__author__ = "Jason Munro, Nathan C. Frey"
__copyright__ = "MIT License"
__version__ = "0.0.1"
__maintainer__ = "Jason Munro, Nathan C. Frey, "
__email__ = ",,"
__status__ = "Development"
__date__ = "Feb 2021"

IRREPEXE = which("irrep")

class IrrepCaller:
        "IRREPCaller requires irrep to be in the path.\n"
        "Please follow the instructions in and ",
    def __init__(self, folder_name, code="vasp", enable_spinor=True, add_args={}):
        Run irrep to compute irreducible representations (irreps) of electronic states from wavefunctions and
        symmetry operations determined from an input structure.

        For running with vasp (default), it requires a calculation with LWAVE=.TRUE. This does NOT use the symmetry
        operations found in the OUTCAR file.

        Something like "phonopy --tolerance 0.01 --symmetry -c POSCAR" should be used to ensure
        the crystal is in a standard setting before the calculation.

            folder_name (str): Path to directory with input data at kpts where irreps should be computed.
            code (str): The code to run with. Default is vasp.
            enable_spinor (bool): Whether to include the '-spinor' flag when calling irrep.
            add_args (dict): Dictionary of additional arguments (i.e. {-Ecut: 50}).

        # Check for POSCAR and WAVECAR if using vasp
        if code == "vasp":
            if not path.isfile(folder_name + "/WAVECAR") or not path.isfile(
                folder_name + "/POSCAR"
                raise FileNotFoundError()


        # Call irrep
        cmd_list = ["irrep", "-code", code]

        if enable_spinor:
            cmd_list += ["-spinor"]

        for arg, val in add_args.items():
            cmd_list += [str(arg), str(val)]

        with open("outir.txt", "w") as out, open("err.txt", "w") as err:
            process = subprocess.Popen(cmd_list, stdout=out, stderr=err)

        process.communicate()  # pause while irrep is executing

        self.output = None

        # Process output
        if path.isfile("outir.txt"):
            self.output = IrrepOutput("outir.txt")

            raise FileNotFoundError()

[docs]class IrrepOutput(MSONable): def __init__( self, irrep_output, efermi=None, saved_bands=None, starting_band=None, energy_cutoff=None, spacegroup_no=None, spin_polarized=None, parity_eigenvals=None, ): """ This class processes results from irrep to get irreps of electronic states. Refer to for further explanation of parameters. Args: irvsp_output (txt file): output from irvsp. efermi (float): Supplied fermi energy used to shift band energies. saved_bands (int): Number of bands saved in output. starting_band (int): Starting band number. energy_cutoff (int): Plane-wave energy cutoff in eV used to generate g-vectors. spacegroup_no (int): Space group number detected. parity_eigenvals (dict): band index, band degeneracy, energy eigenval, Re(parity eigenval) """ self._irrep_output = irrep_output self.efermi = efermi self.saved_bands = saved_bands self.starting_band = starting_band self.energy_cutoff = energy_cutoff self.spacegroup_no = spacegroup_no self.spin_polarized = spin_polarized self.parity_eigenvals = parity_eigenvals self._parse_stdout(irrep_output) def _parse_stdout(self, irrep_output): try: with open(irrep_output, "r") as file: lines = file.readlines() for idx, line in enumerate(lines): if "Efermi" in line: e = line.split()[3] self.efermi = float(e) if e != "None" else None init_block_start = idx break band_line = lines[init_block_start + 2].split() self.saved_bands = int(band_line[1]) self.starting_band = int(band_line[5]) encut_line = lines[init_block_start + 4].split() self.energy_cutoff = float(encut_line[5]) trunc_lines = lines[init_block_start:] # Define TRIM labels in units of primitive reciprocal vectors trim_labels = ["gamma", "x", "y", "z", "s", "t", "u", "r"] trim_pts = [ (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.5, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.5, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.0), (0.0, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.0, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), ] trim_dict = {pt: label for (pt, label) in zip(trim_pts, trim_labels)} # Dicts with kvec index as keys parity_eigenvals = {} # Start of symm. op. and irrep trace info for idx, line in enumerate(trunc_lines): if "INFORMATION ABOUT THE SPACE GROUP" in line: symm_block_start = idx break sg_line = trunc_lines[symm_block_start + 3].split() self.spacegroup_no = int(sg_line[3]) # Find inv symm. op. for idx, line in enumerate(trunc_lines): if "angle = 0 , inversion : True" in line: inv_num = int(trunc_lines[idx + 1].split()[1]) - 1 if "k-point 1" in line: irrep_block_start = idx break # Find parity eigenvalues trace_start = False for line in trunc_lines[irrep_block_start:]: if line.startswith("k-point"): # New kvec line_list = re.findall("\\[(.*)\\]", line)[0].split() kvec = tuple([float(i) for i in line_list]) trim_label = trim_dict[kvec] ndgs = [] bnd_evs = [] inv_evs = [] if "Energy | multiplicity | irreps | sym. operations" in line: trace_start = True col_check = False continue if trace_start: if "|" in line and not col_check: inv_col = line.split().index(str(inv_num)) - 3 col_check = True elif "|" in line: line_list = line.split() bnd_evs.append(float(line_list[0])) ndgs.append(int(line_list[2])) inv_ev = complex(line_list[inv_col + 6]) if inv_ev.imag != 0.0: warnings.warn("Found complex parity eigenvalues!") inv_evs.append(inv_ev) else: if not np.isclose( inv_ev.real % 1.0, 0.0, rtol=0, atol=0.03 ) or not np.isclose( inv_ev.real % 1.0, 1.0, rtol=0, atol=0.03 ): warnings.warn( "Irrep output data has non-integer parity eigenvalues!" ) inv_evs.append(inv_ev.real) else: trace_start = False kvec_data = { "band_degeneracy": ndgs, "band_eigenval": bnd_evs, "inversion_eigenval": inv_evs, } parity_eigenvals[trim_label] = kvec_data continue self.parity_eigenvals = parity_eigenvals except FileNotFoundError: warnings.warn( "Irrep output not found. Setting instance attributes from direct inputs!" )