Source code for pytopomat.irvsp_caller

Interface to irvsp.


import warnings
import os
from os import path
import subprocess

from monty.json import MSONable
from import requires
from monty.os.path import which
from monty.serialization import loadfn

from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer
from pymatgen.core import Structure

import numpy as np

__author__ = "Nathan C. Frey, Jason Munro"
__copyright__ = "MIT License"
__version__ = "0.0.1"
__maintainer__ = "Nathan C. Frey, Jason, Munro"
__email__ = ","
__status__ = "Development"
__date__ = "August 2019"

IRVSPEXE = which("irvsp")

class IRVSPCaller:
        "IRVSPCaller requires irvsp to be in the path.\n"
        "Please follow the instructions in\n"
    def __init__(self, folder_name):
        Run irvsp to compute irreducible representations (irreps) of electronic states from wavefunctions (WAVECAR) and
        symmetry operations (OUTCAR).

        Requires a calculation with ISYM=1,2 and LWAVE=.TRUE.

        Something like "phonopy --tolerance 0.01 --symmetry -c POSCAR" should be used to ensure
        the crystal is in a standard setting before the calculation.

        irvsp v2 is needed to handle all 230 space groups (including nonsymmorphic sgs).

            folder_name (str): Path to directory with POSCAR, OUTCAR and WAVECAR at kpts where irreps should be computed.

        # Check for OUTCAR and WAVECAR
        if (
            not path.isfile(folder_name + "/OUTCAR")
            or not path.isfile(folder_name + "/WAVECAR")
            or not path.isfile(folder_name + "/POSCAR")
            raise FileNotFoundError()


        # Get sg number of structure
        s = Structure.from_file("POSCAR")
        sga = SpacegroupAnalyzer(s, symprec=0.01)
        sgn = sga.get_space_group_number()
        v = 1  # version 1 of irvsp, symmorphic symmetries

        # Check if symmorphic (same symm elements as corresponding point group)
        # REF:
        fpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "symmorphic_spacegroups.json")
        ssgs = loadfn(fpath)["ssgs"]

        # Remove SGOs from OUTCAR other than identity and inversion to avoid errors

        if sgn not in ssgs:  # non-symmorphic
            v = 2
            warnings.warn("Careful running with v2 supporting non-symmorphic groups.")

        # self.modify_outcar()
        # sgn = 2  # SG 2 (only E and I)

        # Call irvsp
        cmd_list = ["irvsp", "-sg", str(sgn), "-v", str(v)]
        with open("outir.txt", "w") as out, open("err.txt", "w") as err:
            process = subprocess.Popen(cmd_list, stdout=out, stderr=err)

        process.communicate()  # pause while irvsp is executing

        self.output = None

        # Process output
        if path.isfile("outir.txt"):
            self.output = IRVSPOutput("outir.txt")

            raise FileNotFoundError()

    def modify_outcar(name="OUTCAR.bkp"):
        Delete all space group ops from OUTCAR except for identity (E) and
        inversion (I). This allows the command "irvsp -sg 2 -v 1" to 
        compute only I eigenvalues.

        Must be run in a directory with OUTCAR.

            name (str): Name for unmodified copy of OUTCAR.


        # Check for OUTCAR and CONTCAR
        if not path.isfile("OUTCAR"):
            raise FileNotFoundError()

        irot_start = -1
        num_ops = -1
        identity_op = "    1     1.000000     0.000000     1.000000     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000\n"

        inv_op = "    2    -1.000000     0.000000     1.000000     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000     0.000000\n"

        sgo_lines = []  # OUTCAR lines with superfluous SGOs

        # Write a temp file without the extra SGOs
        with open("OUTCAR", "r") as f:
            with open("temp.txt", "w") as output:
                lines = f.readlines()

                for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
                    if "INISYM" in line:
                        line_list = [i for i in line.strip().split(" ") if i]
                        num_ops = int(line_list[4])
                    if "irot" in line:  # Start of SGOs
                        irot_start = idx
                        sgo_lines = list(range(idx + 1, idx + num_ops + 1))
                    if idx == irot_start + num_ops:
                    if idx not in sgo_lines:

        os.rename("OUTCAR", name)
        os.rename("temp.txt", "OUTCAR")

[docs]class IRVSPOutput(MSONable): def __init__( self, irvsp_output, symmorphic=None, inversion=None, soc=None, spin_polarized=None, parity_eigenvals=None, ): """ This class processes results from irvsp to get irreps of electronic states. Refer to for further explanation of parameters. Args: irvsp_output (txt file): output from irvsp. symmorphic (Bool): Symmorphic space group? inversion (Bool): Centrosymmetric space group? soc (Bool): Spin-orbit coupling included? spin_polarized (Bool): Spin-polarized system? parity_eigenvals (dict): band index, band degeneracy, energy eigenval, Re(parity eigenval) """ self._irvsp_output = irvsp_output self.symmorphic = symmorphic self.inversion = inversion self.soc = soc self.spin_polarized = spin_polarized self.parity_eigenvals = parity_eigenvals self._parse_stdout(irvsp_output) def _parse_stdout(self, irvsp_output): try: with open(irvsp_output, "r") as file: lines = file.readlines() # Get header info symm_line = lines[7] if "Non-symmorphic" in symm_line: symmorphic = False else: symmorphic = True if "without" in symm_line: inversion = False else: inversion = True soc_line = lines[9] if "No" in soc_line: soc = False else: soc = True sp_line = lines[10] if "No" in sp_line: spin_polarized = False else: spin_polarized = True self.symmorphic = symmorphic self.inversion = inversion self.soc = soc self.spin_polarized = spin_polarized # Define TRIM labels in units of primitive reciprocal vectors trim_labels = ["gamma", "x", "y", "z", "s", "t", "u", "r"] trim_pts = [ (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.5, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.5, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.0), (0.0, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.0, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), ] trim_dict = {pt: label for (pt, label) in zip(trim_pts, trim_labels)} # Dicts with kvec index as keys parity_eigenvals = {} # Start of irrep trace info for idx, line in enumerate(lines): if "*****" in line: block_start = idx + 1 break trace_start = False for idx, line in enumerate(lines[block_start:]): if line.startswith("k = "): # New kvec line_list = line.split(" ")[2:] kvec = tuple([float(i) for i in line_list]) trim_label = trim_dict[kvec] if "bnd ndg" in line: # find inversion symmop position trace_start = True # Start of block of traces bnds, ndgs, bnd_evs, inv_evs = [], [], [], [] line_list = line.strip().split(" ") symmops = [i for i in line_list if i] inv_num = symmops.index("I") - 3 # subtract bnd, ndg, ev num_ops = len(symmops) - 3 # subtract bnd, ndg, ev if trace_start and "0" in line: # full trace line, not a blank line line_list = line[6:].strip() line_list = line_list.split("=", 1)[ 0 ] # delete irrep label at end of line # line_list = [i for i in line_list.split(" ") if i] # Check that trace line is complete, no ?? or errors if len(line_list) > 30: # symmops + band eigenval bnd = int(line[:3].strip()) # band index ndg = int(line[3:6].strip()) # band degeneracy bnd_ev = float(line[6:16].strip()) inv_ev = float(line[27:33].strip()) if not np.isclose( inv_ev % 1.0, 0.0, rtol=0, atol=0.03 ) or not np.isclose(inv_ev % 1.0, 1.0, rtol=0, atol=0.03): warnings.warn( "IRVSP output data has non-integer parity eigenvalues!" ) bnds.append(bnd) ndgs.append(ndg) bnd_evs.append(bnd_ev) inv_evs.append(inv_ev) if "*****" in line: # end of block trace_start = False kvec_data = { "band_index": bnds, "band_degeneracy": ndgs, "band_eigenval": bnd_evs, "inversion_eigenval": inv_evs, } if self.spin_polarized: if trim_label in parity_eigenvals.keys(): parity_eigenvals[trim_label]["down"] = kvec_data else: parity_eigenvals[trim_label] = {"up": kvec_data} else: parity_eigenvals[trim_label] = kvec_data self.parity_eigenvals = parity_eigenvals except: warnings.warn( "irvsp output not found. Setting instance attributes from direct inputs!" )