Source code for pytopomat.vasp2trace_caller

Interface to vasp2trace.


import warnings
import os
from os import path
import subprocess

import numpy as np

from monty.json import MSONable
from import requires
from monty.os.path import which

__author__ = "Nathan C. Frey, Jason Munro"
__copyright__ = "MIT License"
__version__ = "0.0.1"
__maintainer__ = "Nathan C. Frey, Jason, Munro"
__email__ = ","
__status__ = "Development"
__date__ = "August 2019"

VASP2TRACEEXE = which("vasp2trace")
VASP2TRACE2EXE = which("vasp2trace2")

class Vasp2TraceCaller:
        "Vasp2TraceCaller requires vasp2trace to be in the path."
        "Please follow the instructions at",
    def __init__(self, folder_name):
        Run vasp2trace to find the set of irreducible representations at each maximal k-vec of a space group, given the eigenvalues.

        vasp2trace requires a self-consistent VASP run with the flags ISTART=0 and ICHARG=2; followed by a band structure calculation with ICHARG=11, ISYM=2, LWAVE=.True.

        High-symmetry kpts that must be included in the band structure path for a given spacegroup can be found in the max_KPOINTS_VASP folder in the vasp2trace directory.

            folder_name (str): Path to directory with OUTCAR and WAVECAR of band structure run with wavefunctions at the high-symmetry kpts.

        # Check for OUTCAR and WAVECAR
        if not path.isfile(folder_name + "/OUTCAR") or not path.isfile(
            folder_name + "/WAVECAR"
            raise FileNotFoundError()

        # Call vasp2trace
        process = subprocess.Popen(
            ["vasp2trace"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE
        stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
        stdout = stdout.decode()

        if stderr:
            stderr = stderr.decode()

        if process.returncode != 0:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "vasp2trace exited with return code {}.".format(process.returncode)

        self._stdout = stdout
        self._stderr = stderr
        self.output = None

        # Process output
        if path.isfile("trace.txt"):
            self.output = {}
            self.output["up"] = Vasp2TraceOutput("trace.txt")

            raise FileNotFoundError()

class Vasp2Trace2Caller:
        "Vasp2Trace2Caller requires vasp2trace2 to be in the path."
        "Please install from",
    def __init__(self, folder_name):
        Run vasp2trace_v2 to find the set of irreducible representations at each maximal k-vec of a space group, given the eigenvalues.

        version2 of vasp2trace is for spin-polarized calculations. The executable is renamed "vasp2trace2" to avoid conflict with v1.

        vasp2trace requires a self-consistent VASP run with the flags ISTART=0 and ICHARG=2; followed by a band structure calculation with ICHARG=11, ISYM=2, LWAVE=.True.

        High-symmetry kpts that must be included in the band structure path for a given spacegroup can be found in the max_KPOINTS_VASP folder in the vasp2trace directory.

            folder_name (str): Path to directory with OUTCAR and WAVECAR of band structure run with wavefunctions at the high-symmetry kpts.

        # Check for OUTCAR and WAVECAR
        if not path.isfile(folder_name + "/OUTCAR") or not path.isfile(
            folder_name + "/WAVECAR"
            raise FileNotFoundError()

        # Call vasp2trace
        process = subprocess.Popen(
            ["vasp2trace2"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE
        stdout, stderr = process.communicate()
        stdout = stdout.decode()

        if stderr:
            stderr = stderr.decode()

        if process.returncode != 0:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "vasp2trace2 exited with return code {}.".format(process.returncode)

        self._stdout = stdout
        self._stderr = stderr
        self.output = None

        # Process spin-polarized output
        if path.isfile("trace_up.txt") and path.isfile("trace_dn.txt"):
            self.output = {}
            if path.isfile("trace_up.txt"):
                self.output["up"] = Vasp2TraceOutput("trace_up.txt")
            if path.isfile("trace_dn.txt"):
                self.output["down"] = Vasp2TraceOutput("trace_dn.txt")

            raise FileNotFoundError()

[docs]class Vasp2TraceOutput(MSONable): def __init__( self, vasp2trace_output, num_occ_bands=None, soc=None, num_symm_ops=None, symm_ops=None, num_max_kvec=None, kvecs=None, num_kvec_symm_ops=None, symm_ops_in_little_cogroup=None, traces=None, ): """ This class processes results from vasp2trace to classify material band topology and give topological invariants. Refer to for further explanation of parameters. Args: vasp2trace_stdout (txt file): stdout from running vasp2trace. num_occ_bands (int): Number of occupied bands. soc (int): 0: no spin-orbit, 1: yes spin-orbit num_symm_ops (int): Number of symmetry operations. symm_ops (list): Each row is a symmetry operation (with spinor components if soc is enabled) num_max_kvec (int): Number of maximal k-vectors. kvecs (list): Each row is a k-vector. num_kvec_symm_ops (dict): {kvec_index: number of symm operations in the little cogroup of the kvec}. symm_ops_in_little_cogroup (dict): {kvec_index: int indices that correspond to symm_ops} traces (dict): band index, band degeneracy, energy eigenval, Re eigenval, Im eigenval for each symm op in the little cogroup """ self._vasp2trace_output = vasp2trace_output self.num_occ_bands = num_occ_bands self.soc = soc self.num_symm_ops = num_symm_ops self.symm_ops = symm_ops self.num_max_kvec = num_max_kvec self.kvecs = kvecs self.num_kvec_symm_ops = num_kvec_symm_ops self.symm_ops_in_little_cogroup = symm_ops_in_little_cogroup self.traces = traces self._parse_stdout(vasp2trace_output) def _parse_stdout(self, vasp2trace_output): try: with open(vasp2trace_output, "r") as file: lines = file.readlines() # Get header info num_occ_bands = int(lines[0]) soc = int(lines[1]) # No: 0, Yes: 1 num_symm_ops = int(lines[2]) symm_ops = np.ndarray.tolist(np.loadtxt(lines[3 : 3 + num_symm_ops])) num_max_kvec = int(lines[3 + num_symm_ops]) kvecs = np.ndarray.tolist( np.loadtxt( lines[4 + num_symm_ops : 4 + num_symm_ops + num_max_kvec] ) ) # Dicts with kvec index as keys num_kvec_symm_ops = {} symm_ops_in_little_cogroup = {} traces = {} # Start of trace info trace_start = 5 + num_max_kvec + num_symm_ops start_block = 0 # Start of this block # Block start line #s block_starts = [] for jdx, line in enumerate(lines[trace_start - 1 :], trace_start - 1): # Parse input lines line = [i for i in line.split(" ") if i] if len(line) == 1: # A single entry <-> new block block_starts.append(jdx) # Loop over blocks of kvec data for idx, kpt in enumerate(kvecs): start_block = block_starts[idx] if idx < num_max_kvec - 1: next_block = block_starts[idx + 1] trace_str = lines[start_block + 2 : next_block] else: trace_str = lines[start_block + 2 :] # Populate dicts num_kvec_symm_ops[str(idx)] = int(lines[start_block]) soilcg = [ int(i.strip("\n")) for i in lines[start_block + 1].split(" ") if i.strip("\n") ] symm_ops_in_little_cogroup[str(idx)] = soilcg trace = np.ndarray.tolist(np.loadtxt(trace_str)) traces[str(idx)] = trace self.num_occ_bands = num_occ_bands self.soc = soc self.num_symm_ops = num_symm_ops self.symm_ops = symm_ops self.num_max_kvec = num_max_kvec self.kvecs = kvecs self.num_kvec_symm_ops = num_kvec_symm_ops self.symm_ops_in_little_cogroup = symm_ops_in_little_cogroup self.traces = traces except Exception as error: print(error) warnings.warn( "Vasp2trace output not found. Setting instance attributes from direct inputs!" )